have been busy for work.
i found a part time job,work as a waitress.
but these few days i found the second part time job,
the kind of job i dislike,work as a production sales.
although alot of people recommend me to work in this
but i prefer customers come to find me rather than i stand for many hours to find customer ><
but have to work hard in order to pay back the stupid indian girl
no choice loo...
luckily it is a road show and only for 3days ^.^
and i could earn more than 150bucks these 3days in only 15hours!!!
but seriously it is very tired.
just imagine how you gonna survive in 2 job in a day
and i think i almost get to relief the insomnia king-shaun
sleep for only 3hours man!!!
still can stand up to 13hours the next day somemore
geng mou?but legs almost break..
mutant will appearing in FTMS soon XD
by the way,i did enjoy the time i work with my "part time" collegue during these 3days
although work until
legs so pain
shoulder so pain
and even my eyes turn to red
but atleast i got my own income
unlike SOMEONE
siapa makan cili dia yang rasa pedas laa... =D
Although i can make more and more sales according to my ability in these 3days actually
but sometimes really malas wan mah..
once you malas then you sure got no motivation to hit target d mah...
agree?agree leh? XD
some of the staff had "interview" him.
and someone told me his name is...
yesterday keira a.k.a the naughty ethan boy's sister birthday.
Didn't take the chance to wish her face to face also.
sorry ya
anyway,jie jie wishing you
Didn't take the chance to wish her face to face also.
sorry ya
anyway,jie jie wishing you
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